Here is the mid-month update on what’s been accomplished by American Steam Railroad volunteers. If you’d like to volunteer, become a member today and you’ll be able to help us bring steam back to the high iron.
- Staybolt work continues with the drilling of the telltale holes. Many volunteers have been working in parties of two to five during select days of the week and the weekends, to drill the holes in incremental steps on the 560 staybolts.
- A complete inventory of spare parts was completed in the auxiliary water tender.
- Rear steps were mounted onto Reading 2100’s tender.
- Removal of the damaged studs on the feedwater line on the tender.
- The adhesive that remained from the reflective tape on the running board skirting was in the starting process of removal.
- The steam distribution manifold from the stoker mechanism was removed from the adjoining housing, so repairs by a professional contractor could be done on it.
How close are we to doing a hydro on the boiler?
One of the most common questions we get is, “How close are you guys to completing Reading 2100?” A giant milestone in any steam locomotive rebuild is a hydrostatic test on the boiler. ASR Treasure Forrest Nace has provided a brief outline in our July video update of what is budgeted to complete the firebox. Currently, we are $18,732 away from doing a “squeeze” on the boiler. Here is the breakdown:
- A bead of weld on the inner sidesheet of the firebox onto the mudring: $900
- Welding of the 560 staybolts into the firebox: $4,527. Currently $609 has been raised.
- The forming and welding in of the two arch brick tubes: $2,500.
- Replacement of the 80 staybolt sleeves that are not compliant with today’s standards: $2,040
- Welding in the replacement for the 80 staybolt sleeves by professional contractors: $2,765
- 16 sleeves by the number four driver require lifting the locomotive up: $1,500.
- Removal of springs from number four driver due to engine lift: $2,100.
- Caps needed over the staybolt heads, 120 worn ones need to be replaced: $2,400.
If you would like to sponsor any of these steps, please contact Forrest at Forrest.Nace @
Thank you to everyone who has donated and helped out with Reading 2100’s restoration!