American Steam Railroad’s Forrest Nace explains all the work done in our latest video update. Highlights include:
-Our big event this month was the Ross Rowland dinner, where we hosted over 50 guests that came to listen about Ross’ experiences on the high iron behind steam.
We like to extend a big thank you to our friends at the Midwest Railway Preservation Society, who was a great assistance in putting on this event.
-We took advantage of the warm weather to complete more work on the tender. Needle cleaning of the tender buffer and the wedge key that holds it in place. Both were painted and then reinstalled into the pocket.
-Work continued on removing the oil bunker support brackets to ease the future installation of the stoker trough and gearing.
-The bell actuator was installed and tested, so the bell now can ring during open houses.
-Volunteers cleaned the eccentric rods.
-The cylinder cocks were removed, cleaned, and then lapped.